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Stephanie D. Loughner

Training the Mentor

I am in my 40s which means I no longer fit the “young professionals” crowd and I am transitioning to be a mentor who still needs mentoring. I appreciate the need to sit on both sides of these mentorships as I have learned a lot and have so much more to learn. In this career transition, I am working to find resources to help me become an effective mentor. I recently participated in a training that gave some tips which resonated with me. This training was to emphasize the importance of mentorship and sponsorship for people of color and women in creating an inclusive economy. Taking on mentorship is a real and measurable action item we can all take on in our professional lives to support the success of others. Because mentorship spans both personal and professional boundaries, I am also learning about pulling from the different aspects of my experiences into mentorship. Mentorship is not a new concept but it is an area and action item to take away from what Women Inspiring Leaders is working to accomplish and that is inspiring others to work with their organizations to create support systems that uplift. I enjoy the aspects of mentorship and feel accomplished to include it in my professional practice. I encourage those to spend time as both a mentor and mentee and to report the successes to continue to highlight mentorship as an important way to inspire fulfilling and sustainable career paths of a younger generation.



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