Aleta Jeffress

Jan 4, 2022


2021 is over. For me personally, 2021 was much more challenging than 2020. I was promoted at work, my father passed away, we moved homes for family reasons, and chose to remodel most of the first floor of our new house, including the kitchen. For those of you in Colorado; watching the horrific fires the last days of the year brought tears to my eyes with every news update. It was tough, and for many the start of 2022 is more of a challenge than I can even imagine.

If you know or have followed me however, you may know that each January I choose a word that serves as a lens for all I do during the year.

For 2022 that word is FORWARD.

My promotion gave me the opportunity to learn and impact at an entirely new level, for which I’m grateful. I was able to fly my Mom to Colorado for the first time since we moved here to visit and spend time with her. My in laws are close, so we can support them as needed. My daughter is getting married this year; there is much anticipation and planning as that event will be held at our new home!

Everything around us always changes. Typically I welcome change, but 2021 seemed like a few too many life changing events. I was overwhelmed. I found myself looking back at the comfort vs. embracing the possibilities of the future. So as I thought about my word for 2022, it seemed appropriate to be very focused on moving FORWARD. On every front.

Forward isn’t always a huge step. We’ve all seen the pictures of ladders and icebergs depicting how to move “up” or the unknown beneath the surface and yet to come. For me, the visual is as simple as turning my head from left to right.

I’d ask you to consider - what does FORWARD look like for you? What do you need to learn from yet leave behind? What impact can you have in the future? What dreams can you create and move towards fulfilling? (Dreaming is one of the most important and is a blog all in itself!)

As my favorite author John Maxwell said,

“One of the major keys to success is to keep moving forward on the journey, making the best of the detours and interruptions, turning adversity into advantage.”

Here’s to a year of embracing FORWARD movement! And if I can assist any one of you in your journey please reach out. I truly would welcome the opportunity to help.
